Why pay for something when you don't have to? There are lots of online site that offer free web hosting and design that can do a lot of functionality then ever before.
Here are three (in no special order) that I recommend to my clients.
- Ucoz.com : To make a website with Ucoz.com you will need to register yourself here and get started with confirming your email, which will reach your mail instantly. After confirming the mail, you will need to set admin password and normal password. Now you will be presented with two or three forms like choosing a name for your site, then design and finally what all modules you require.. i choose all the options like page editor, site news, forum, publisher, blog, guestbook, photo albums, email forms, web polls, and last but not the least E-shop. Yes you can build an e-shop to sell your goods as well.
You can add blocks, write blog post from front end, change the look and feel, and much more.. a complete solution for building website absolutely free.
- Webs.com : It took me only 5 mins to create a free site at webs.com. It was smooth easy and fun.. Their image insertion is awesome, with flickr search for common creatives they have stood out with their competition. Features like photo gallery, e-commerce shop, articles, blog, contact page and much more with just spending so little time.. The customization is easy and far better than other free builders out there.
- Weebly.com - You can make a website, even add Google Adsense with 50% ad share given to weebly and build it for absolutely free. They allow you to add many effects like in text like shadow, glow etc with image customization and also downloading an archive for the your website. BTW, I use Weebly for my current consulting business.
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